Welcome to

BeeReaders Español!

We are excited to bring you this place of learning and resources for you and your students. Don’t forget to share it with your colleagues!

Prepárate para un viaje alrededor
del mundo hispano!

Experience the beauty of Spanish culture and language with our authentic resources for your classes!

Resources, webinars, events and much more

Resources by Reading Level

Try a Free Sample of BeeReaders Español, authentic Spanish reading resources with comprehension questions and more! Click on each text to download and use in your classroom

Lector Preinicial

Lector Inicial

Lector Intrépido

Lector Juvenil

Lector Independiente

Lector Reflexivo

Other Resources with Impact

This tool will enable both you and your students to understand more
about who they are, their learning styles,
preferences, goals, and strategies for reading success.

Empower your bilingual students to reach their reading goals with the BeeReaders reading tracker

Get organized with our daily planner!
Download now and start planning your day with ease!

free spanish resources

Free Spanish resources for teachers that include printable activities, lesson plans and more.

Free Spanish resources

Free teaching resources, lesson plans, worksheets, presentations, texts, and activities.

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From Teacher to Teacher

Check out the blogs and podcasts from teachers like you about topics relevant to the educational world in which we live today.

We Are Here to Help You

BeeReaders strengthens, increases and enhances the effectiveness of your class’ reading comprehension instruction.

Awards and Partners

BeeReaders is a suplemental tool that provides authentic culturally relevant content that fosters literacy skills for students worldwide.

“Bee” Connected!